Brain Freak is a brain**** compiler written in Rust, and compiled to Web Assembly. Commands process in a lazy-loaded fashion where the javascript requests the wasm code to process a command when the user performs an action.
Shows the next command to be executed
Right Arrow key lazy-loads the next command
Left Arrow key reverses the previous command
Down Arrow key seeks to the next break command or the end of program
Up Arrow key seeks to the previous break command or the start of program
Increment the pointer (++p;)
Decrement the pointer (--p;)
Increment the byte at the pointer (++*p;)
Decrement the byte at the pointer (--*p)
Output the byte at the pointer (putchar(*p);)
Input a byte and store it in the byte at the pointer (*p = getchar();)
Jump forward past the matching ] if the byte at the pointer is zero (while (*p) {)
Jump backward to the matching [ (})
Stop on this command when processing (break command)
Log the current state (logger)
Commands between 2 of these characters are skipped (comment)